Friday, July 8, 2011

Under Construction on the 4th of July

I am hoping to revamp the look and feel of my blog. I find it to be somewhat amateur.


Any suggestions.... anything is appreciated!

PS. My summer resolution is to be better about taking pictures what I cook. I made amazing strawberry shortcake this weekend, and feel I can't share the recipe as I have only one photo. I guess I just have to make it again :)

Still absurdly delicious...

Strawberry Shortcake= Biscuit Dough + Ripe Strawberries + Homemade Whip Cream (I dare say nothing is more American than that). Here is one of those times when I cheat. My mother used to make it this way and I cannot change how I do it. Of course, with the cheating comes some of my own variations

2 1/3 Bisquick mix (Cheat! Cheat! Trust me... use the one and only Bisquick, not a generic brand)
4 cups strawberries sliced into quarters
3/8 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup whole milk
1/4 cup granulated sugar
4 tbl spoons unsalted butter
1 cup heavy whipping cream + 4 tablespoons sugar

1. Heat the oven to 425 degrees.
2. Cut the strawberries into quarters, and place them in a large mixing bowl with the 3/8 cup granulated sugar. 3. Set this aside for at least 30 minutes.
4. In a medium mixing bowl, stir Bisquick, milk, 1/4 cup sugar, and butter together until a dough forms.
5. In an ungreased brownie pan (preferably 8 x 11), place the dough and spread it about so it touches all sides of the pan. Let this sit so the side for 20 minutes so the dough can rise a bit. You want a light and fluffy biscuit. (You can also do drop biscuits and drop the dough on a cookie sheet, making about 6 large biscuits. I prefer to make them square.)
6. Bake 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
7. In the mean time, whip the cream in a mixing bowl. It is easiest to mix it with an electric mixer on high, but can be done by  a fast hand. Add the sugar 1/2 of the way through. You know the whip cream is done when you pick up the whisk and soft peaks form in the whip cream. You could also, theoretically, hold the bowl upside down for a few seconds with nothing dripping out.
8. Once biscuits are done and have cooled a bit, cut into even squares. Take each square, and slice across HORIZONTALLY. This way, you have a top and a bottom.
9. Place biscuit bottom on a plate and add a nice helping of strawberries with some syrup. Next, add a dollop of whip cream. Place the top of the biscuit on
10. OPTIONAL: I always like to add a small amount of whip cream and a few strawberries on top.


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